Business promotion ideas for business owners

Good news to every business owner,  this blogpost on Business promotion ideas for business owners is all for you. Over the years I have been in business, I have come to realise that no matter how good your product,  your ideas are , without promotion no one will get to know you or your product.  

Dont get me wrong on this , good products and ideas sells too but to be seen on the world space and appreciated for your services , you definitely need promotion.

To this regards here are few of business promotion ideas that will help.

Top business promotion ideas 

Social media : The world has become a global viallage thanks to the internet.  Someone in Canada can connect with someone in Hong Kong in a matter of seconds . I mean in less time than the speed of light, social media has made it that easy. 

It will be wise to bring that power of connection into your business , because every business has its potential client on virtually every social media platform.

The money is where the people is , so you have to reach out to the people, use the power of the social media and promote your business. 

Here are few social media platforms you should take your business promotions too.

Facebook: This platform founded by the infamous Mark Zuckerberg has billions of users on it. That’s is to say that almost the world’s population is on Facebook.  This is good news to any business owner, you can use this opportunity presented by Facebook advertising to promote your business. In case you don’t have much money to promote your business on Facebook, you can build a brand yourself on Facebook by having a page of your own (absolutely free) where you post contents strictly concerning your business .it is a great way of carrying out your business promotion, take advantage of it.

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Instagram: Another great product from Facebook, the platform is well know to have a lot of users too just like Facebook. All you have to do is setup your account which is absolutely free and promote your business by posting contents that appeal to your audience and customers . If you do this right, you are sure to land so many deals promoting your business on this platform .

LinkedIn: This is social media for business-minded users. All top companies like Apple, Tesla, IBM and the rest are all on LinkedIn. The huge professional presence on this social media platform makes it the perfect place to use for your business promotion. Trust me, the more you show up and consistently talk about your business, and the services you offer, the more you will get seen.

Email marketing : All though some will say social media killed email marketing but the truth is that it still rocks . Emails are just like contacts,  if you have the emails of your customers  you can promote and talk about your business to them through emails. This idea of business promotion still works till today .

Bill boards : If you dont promote your business , who will do it for you ? Absolutley no body. Design a banner with your business details , print them and place them on bill Boards in conspicuous places . Places such as the mall, the cinema entrance,  the restaurant doors and any place where you have people visit often . The more people see information concerning your business,  the more your chances of getting a lead and securing a deal.

Radio/TV jingles: Tell me who doesn’t watch TVs in this 21st century . Since people still do, it will be wise if you promote your business on tvs or on radio stations. Have a professional do a tingle for you and submit them to tvs to show them to people. Hopefully ,your business will be seen by the right people.

Business card: How best to promote your business if not to so it yourself. A business card contains details of your business, your contacts(office address,email and phone numbers) and your services . If you attend any event , hand over the card to a potential customer and luck be on your side , you will win a customer, who knows ?

At this point I think I have done justice by listing and explaining few business promotion ideas. The ball is in your court, take action and see your business boom.

Good luck.

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